Welcome to the Fall 2023 UofA cs337 course homepage.
This course will provide you with hands-on skills for how to do web programming. Topics will include the basics of how the web works (HTTP, HTTPS, web browsers), client-side web programming (HTML, CSS, and Javasccript) and server-side web development (Javascript, Nodejs, Database). By the time you complete this course, you should be well-equipped to build basic web applications. There are many methodologies, design principles, tools, frameworks, and libraries that can be used to build web applications in 2023. We are not going to cover everything (not nearly), but hopefully by the time we are done you’ll know the basics, and gain the confidence to learn new things throughout your career. For more information about the course and policies, see the course syllabus.
Syllabus | Course info and policies |
Schedule | Schedule of topics and reading assignments |
Style Guide | The rules for style and structure for the code that your submit |
Assignments | The programming assignments - check regularly! |
Gradescope | Used for PA submission, exam grading, regrade requests, etc |
D2L | Used as a gradebook, and to access video-content |
Discord | Online class discussion |
You can also email your instructor or TAs to get help |
** The contents of this site (including but not limited to the syllabus, schedule, lecture notes, and homework assignments) are subject to change **