UA CS image     CSc 110: Introduction to Computer Programming I

Welcome to the Summer 2023 UofA cs110 course homepage.

This is the main introductory programming course in the computer science department at the University of Arizona. This course requires no prior programming experience, but does require that you have taken College Algebra. We will be using python 3 in this course, and as a successful student, you will learn the basics of this language. By the end of the semester, you should be able to write complete, well-structured programs in python. For more information about the course and policies, see the course syllabus.

Instructor Information

Study Guides

Final Exam Prep: Study Guide and PyFlo

Exam 2 Study Guide

Exam 1 Study Guide

Teaching Assistants

Image Name Office Hour Email
TA Katelyn Rohrer Wednesday and Thursday, 4-6pm
TA Steven Truong Monday 12-2pm, Friday 5-7pm

Course Resources and Info

Syllabus Course information and policies
Schedule Schedule of topics, slides, readings, prep problems
Assignments The programming assignments - check regularly!
Style Guide The rules for style and structure for the code that your submit Graphics module, used for some assignments
Gradescope Used for assignment and exam submission, regrade requests, etc
D2L Used for gradebook, book, and video quiz access
Discord Course Discussion, office hours, announcements.
CodingBat Website for additional programming practice

** The contents of this site are subject to change **