In this problem you should write a function named print_words_starting_with
This function should have two parameters.
You can expect that the first will be a string representing a sentence (a sequence of words, separated by spaces).
The second will be a one-letter string.
The function should print out every word from the sentence (the first parameter) that begins with the letter specified (the second parameter). For example, say that this code was run:
sentence = 'the big brown fox'
print_words_starting_with(sentence, 'b')
It should print:
Or if this was run:
words = 'One of those old sterio systems was on sale.'
print_words_starting_with(words, 'o')
It should print:
Make sure to include only the one function in your file.
The gradescope tests will call the functions to test them.
Name the program
Make sure that gradescope gives you the points for passing the test cases.