Welcome to the Fall 2018 UofA cs110 course homepage.
This is the first in a sequence of two introductory programming courses in the computer science department at the University of Arizona. This course requires no prior programming experience, but does require that you have taken College Algebra. We will be using python 3 in this course, and as a student, you will learn the basics of this language. By the end of the semester, you should be able to write complete, well-structured programs in python. For more information about the course and policies, see the course syllabus.
Syllabus | Assignments | Section Materials | Schedule | Lectures | 228 Schedule | Style Guide |
Groups | Floorplan with Table Numbers |
In addition to this class website, there are 4 tools/websites that we will be using for quiz-taking, feedback, Q/A, etc. Each site is linked below.
Gradescope | D2L | Piazza | Differ |
We will also be using an online tool called gradescope. Gradescope will be used for exam grading, and will be how you view your exam after and see feedback after it is graded. You will also use gradescope for testing and submitting your programming assignments. It will also be used for attendance tracking.
All students are required to register for the cs110 Piazza page. All class announcements will either be made in-class or on piazza. Students are also encouraged to ask questions about assignments, and discuss while reviewing for exams. Remember: If asking a question about a homework problem, do not reveal specifics of your solution to the entire class. If you want to include details of your solutions, post privately to the instructors only.
D2L will be used for two purposes in this course. For one, all of your grades will be posted here. This includes grades for exams, quizzes, attendance, and programming assignments. In addition, you will take your pre-class quizzes on D2L.
The SL lab hours schedule will be posted here by the second week of classes.
** The contents of this site (including but not limited to the syllabus, schedule, lecture notes, and homework assignments) are subject to change **