CSc 101: Colorful Patterns

In this assignment, you’ll be writing several “smaller” programs, all of which will require you to use nested for-loops. The purpose of the assignment is to give you additional for-loop practice. Eventually, we’ll get to writing some programs that use nested for-loops for more “useful” things, like games.

Light-up Circles

Write a processing program that mimics the below behavior:

A few important things to keep in mind:

You must use nested for-loops on this problem. However, since nested for-loop are probably new to you, you can start working on it with just a single for-loop. First, try getting just a single row of circles working with the colors and mouse coordinates, like so:

Once this is working, try “nesting” another for-loop with this one, to get all of the rows to repeat.

Name the code file light_up_circles.pde.

Triangle Grid

Again, write a processing program that mimics the below behavior:

A few important things to keep in mind:

HINT: To get the grid-drawing to “follow” the mouse, you can use the mouseX and mouseY variable to control when your for-loops stop.

Name the code file triangle_grid.pde.

BONUS - Resizable Tiles

This program is not required! You may complete if for a small amount of bonus points.

Write a processing program that mimics the below behavior:

A few important things to keep in mind:

Name the code file resizable_tiles.pde.

Matching Colors and Shapes

You should closely match all of the described colors from this specification.


Each program file should have a “header” comment at the top that has the following format:

// Author: Student Name
// Description:
//    A short description of what this program does!

Even though this is a small program, it is important to get in the habit of commenting on your code. This is considered good programming style, and it even more helpful once you start writing larger programs.

Submission and grading

This was assigned on 9/22/2017. It is due on 9/29/2017 at 5:00pm.

Turn in each of the files described in the spec (2 or 3 total) the assignment 6 drop-box in D2L before the due date. Make sure to name the files exactly as this document specifies. In general, make sure to follow these instructions precisely. If you don’t, we will deduct points!!!